Apple Pi: FRC Team 2067

Programming Subteam

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Swerve Drive

An ongoing project on Team 2067 is developing our swerve drive. To see our code, visit our GitHub repository for the 2014 Robot Code. If you're interested in understanding how it works, you can look at this guide which goes over the code in detail.

View Repository View Guide

There is also a swerve drive game, which is a simulation of Aerial Assist with a swerve drive robot. The game is open source and can be found on cory2067's GitHub.

View Repository Play Game


AppleScript is a scripting language which is used to write sequences of commands for autonomous mode. The code behind each command is written in LabVIEW, and integrating new commands into the AppleScript interpreter should be a simple task for any programmer. Once the commands are written, writing a script to execute them is an even simpler task. Using AppleScript, even a fool from the mechanical team should be able to put together a complex auto routine without much hassle. Another benefit of AppleScript is that auto modes can be edited on the fly, without any need to redeploy code to the robot. Once you edit the autonomous script on the computer, the updated script immediately gets sent to the robot over wifi.

To see the AppleScript code, visit our GitHub repository for the 2014 Robot Code. To learn how to use AppleScript, there is also a manual that describes how to create scripts, create commands, and use it with your own robot projects.

View Repository View Manual

Learning LabVIEW

The training set that 2067 uses, which contains various programming exercises, has its own GitHub repository. If you're solving them as part of the LabVIEW classes, you can fork the training repository. Otherwise, you can download it as a zip.

Fork Repository Download Zip

If you're looking for the presentations we used in the LabVIEW classes, here you go:
test link
test link 2

For some other resources, here are a few links:
The Secret Book of FRC Labview
Team 1718's LabVIEW Tutorial
Official NI Tutorials